Sunday, June 17, 2007

What May had to say…

May was in no way different from the other months (except for the fact that I composed my first blog post in May 2007!). I leave for office at 8 in the morning and return home at 10:30 in the night…much to my mother’s relief, I guess! And with the latest baby-sitting chore that I have, putting my 1 year old niece to sleep at night is a feat by itself. I catch up on my sleep only on my weekends. And that is the time I expect no one to wake me up. In fact, people’s attempts to pull me out of the bed have all gone futile, the deep-sleeper that I am!!!

It was a hot May Sunday morning. There was an important house-warming ceremony that I had to attend. But the indolent, incorrigible imp that I am, I woke up at noon, only to find that it was much too late to attend the function! Everyone was wild at me. They ought to have been! I did feel guilty- very much actually. I shouldn't have overslept. But now it was too late. And my ego deterred me from apologizing… But my mother would never scold me- NEVER! It’s only her silence that I am very much afraid of. That scathing silence is much like a scorpion sting, penetrating my skin, painfully triggering every inch of it. And finally in a totally electrocuted state my conscience would gasp out-‘Oh gosh! What have I done?’ I was BAD! I didn’t even apologize.

And now…
… I still haven't apologized. I do feel bad about it every single time I do it, but Sorry seems to be he hardest word for me.

The entire conscience-transition process took time though! Blame it on the sweltering May heat soaring a 40 degrees C., you can’t expect me to gain my cool so easily, can you?

Here's what May had to say to me:
Be the child your parents want you to be!
Never hesitate to say Sorry.

I have learnt a lot more than this, actually. It was indeed a very introspective month for me. We had these character-assessment chain-mails circulating wherein I had my friends’ viewpoints on myself. They are probably justified in pointing out that I am this egoistic, short-tempered and adamant person. I also learnt that I am a very peculiarly ‘mysterious girl’! (Chill people, I don't aspire to become Peter André’s next muse!) My friends find it hard to understand me.
Sometimes I wonder what I am! But one thing is for sure, I’m definitely more than being just ‘cute-chirpy-and-bubbly’ as everyone would say. And the narcissist that I am, I’d say, I’m definitely not an imp either… I’m just...important…


aditya said...

Glad to know you have finally started blogging. Liked the picture, natural style and the self admonishing!
A different angle of looking into the humdrum life of an office-goer!
However, as I keep saying, Family is mean to be taken for granted. :)
Maybe you should get back to the basics - Early to bed and early to rise!!!

dashingkris said...

Wow..So even u join the blogging community... Since u realised what kind of a person you are (which i agree with!), how about improving???
Tips and advise:
1. Start saying sorry in front of the mirror atleast 27 times a day.
2. Say sorry to me atleast 10 times a day. :-)
3. Drink 2.5 litres of cold water everyday.
4. Take deep breaths 7 times a day.

I guess this shud be sufficient for the time being. This practise is to be followed for 9 days to find a new you.

Mahesh said...

Congraz on ur first blog..must say ur topic is very unique..there is a lot of honesty in ur blog which is highly commendible. Quite natural and very well composed. Maybe u will learn over time as to how to say sorry!!! And yeah, don't go by adi's words...Family is priority..never take them for granted..

Vivek said...

Bienvenue à la communauté blogging ! J'attends avec intérêt plus de gemmes telles que celle-ci, et je suis sûr que vous fournirez beaucoup plus de moments joyeux de la lecture intéressante à chacun ! Mai tu as beaucoup plaisir et continue l'écriture!

aditya said...

This is what Reddy's comment means in English:
Welcome at the community blogging! I await with interest more gems such as this one, and I am sure that you will provide much more merry moments of the interesting reading to each one! May you have much pleasure and continues the writing!
(Yippee I understand French!!!!)

Mahesh said...

nice job adi..finally u have learnt how to use google!!!

Kavita said...


Fantastic. Never you could also write so well, that is apart from ripping and tearing apart that Egoistic Adi and Smart Ass Krishna!
Very well written and not to mention it takes guts to admit ones flaws. Admitting ot oneself itself is a feat but to the world.....Atta Girl. I'm proud of you. Keep writing regularly the rest are lazy hope u will be regular. Looking forward to reading more of your writing. Till then....Adieu

Unknown said...

hey....gr8 to know that u started blogging...
I enjoyed the article. Unique topic, very amusing.....

Maya said...

Wow!!! Dekha,this is why we were pestering you to start writing soon:-))

Wonderful and interestingly introspective.And yes,I do appreciate the way you've looked at your faults and made a subtle suggestion for self-improvement without making it look like a sermon.
To let you in on a secret,I'm working hard on my temper too.Generally,it's ok but as you said,ghar pe bhi also have to be a good girl:-))Dekhte hain kab sudharti hoon ;-)

I liked it aarti...Keep it up and follow this one with better posts as I'm sure you'll do.

Aarti Ramanan said...

Thanks all of you for your comments.

Kris, thanks for your advise. That was well-written! It shows that you have concern for your friends which is very much unlike you.

Mahesh, I didn't expect your comments so soon!!! Thought, I'd need to wait for a few more posts till I hear from you.

Kav, I too hope I can write often. Shouldn't run out of ideas. And I hope I find the time too.

Dhati, thanks yaar. So when'your blog coming?

Thanks Maya, hope I come up with better ones...

Aarti Ramanan said...

Tu es l'un avec qui je peux parler française et je peux apprendre beaucoup! Continue-le! J' attendrai...
C'est un peu de française que je connais.
Merci beaucoup, Vivek.
Wish I could write mighty French words like you. C'est tout que je connais (sans google). ;)

Great transition, dude. From Bhojpuri to French. Nothing may seem Greek and Latin to you, soon. So, where to next? Zulu?

Vivek said...

Mon plaisir, mon amie! Je suis heureux d'avoir été utile certain à toi! J'espère que tu vas continuer à écrire, et avoir les beaucoup amusées!

aditya said...

This is what Aarti meant:
You are one with which I can speak French and I can learn much! Continue it! I will await… It is a little Frenchwoman whom I know. Thank you very much, Vivek. Wish I could Write mighty French words like you. It is very that I know (without google). ;)

(I think she forgot to add little - "moins" in the last sentence)

Now, this is what Reddy answered:
My pleasure, my friend! I am happy to have been useful certain for you! I hope that you will continue to write, and to have amused much!

Aarti Ramanan said...

Cheers to your research! But that was ditto transliteration by google!!! francaise ( with a small 'f' stands for French and with a caps 'F' stands for Frenchwoman). Kudos for attempting to RnD.

What I meant was this :
You are one with whom I can speak French and I can learn a lot! Continue it! I shall wait… This is a little of the French I know. Thank you very much, Vivek. Wish I could Write mighty French words like you. This is all I know (without google). ;)

And why should I mention 'moins'?

Roopali said...

Hey aarti nice topic to start with quite a different one!Family comes first bcos one shd learn to value them when they are near u and not repent later.It is true that u can vent out all ur frustration but it shdn't hurt them anyways!And if u listen to adi in such matters then u r gone.
And this self introspection is only for the blog or are u really gonna change urself?

Supriya M said...

hey i guess u r being a typical LEO

Nikesh said...
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Nikesh said...

very introspective article....n very thoughtful...i guess tht represents ur personality perfectly...

Aarti Ramanan said...

Thanks Roops, Sups, Nikesh...

I do hope to change myself for sure.

I am not a Leo, yaar. When's your next post coming?

I hope my personality still changes for the better. Awaiting your blog soon!

Vinod Raghavan said...

agree with you on the part that we should think of our present and future life positions in adherence to parental considerations.nice to know that you have changed for the better-never late or fruitless to do so.i like your style of blogging-its natural,fresh and chirpy(though you may want to disassociate from chirpy-bubbly thingy).so keep it up.coz thats what you are supposed to blog for-blogging your mind n heart-not for boasting your repertoire of terminologies or for any such erudite musings(get the oxymoron?)..hehe..c ya..